Infertility is a medical condition which can occur in both males and females, preventing them from having a child. There are different medical treatments available for couples to help them conceive, while there are some partners who decide to adopt a child.

Busting the Myths & Discovering Facts about Infertility

Infertility is a highly misunderstood medical condition, and some people believe it’s a problem associated with women. Couples can overcome their infertility issues by seeking timely medical help to achieve a successful pregnancy. With so much confusion prevailing about infertility, here are a few myths we have busted for you:

Myth 1: Most Women Can Easily Become Pregnant

It is true that most women can conceive a child without any difficulty. But there are some women who can face problems of infertility. It may happen owing to certain health conditions. Age can also interfere with a woman’s ability to conceive. For example, a healthy 25-year-old woman will have more chances of getting pregnant as compared to a woman who is around 35 years old, similarly the 35 year old, may find it easier to conceive when compared to a 40 year old.

Myth 2: Infertility Happens Only in Women and Not in Men

It is a common belief that infertility affects only women. The truth is that men can also face infertility related issues some of which are low sperm count, poor sperm quality, or both.

Myth 3: Infertility is a Psychological Problem and Does Not Interfere with Physical Health

You might have heard your elders say that infertility is all in one’s head. And if you stop worrying about it, you can become pregnant quickly. The reality is that infertility is a physical condition of the reproductive system and not a mental disorder. Relaxing, enjoying a vacation, or de-stressing yourself cannot solve your infertility problem unless you seek appropriate expert advice and treatment for infertility.

Myth 4: Couples Who Make Enough Effort to Conceive will Eventually Get Pregnant

With new methods of diagnosing and treating infertility, couples can increase their chances of having a baby. But it is not true that every couple who undergoes such a treatment will achieve a successful pregnancy. Remember, infertility is a medical problem and it can sometimes remain untreatable, irrespective of how much effort you make. Be open to treatments and hope for the best.

Though not being able to conceive can be a reason for sadness, grief or anger for a couple, it does not imply that they cannot lead a positive life. There are many modern couples who choose not to have a child due to different priorities in their lives. Such couples also lead a happy and fruitful life. If a couple is keen on having a child, there are options such as surrogacy or adoption to fulfill their dreams of building a family.

Myth 5: A Partner May Leave if the Other is Suffering From Infertility

Infertility can affect either partner. It’s not always the woman who is to be blamed. Going through the process of non-stop infertility tests and treatments can be stressful, frustrating and costly and take a toll on your relationship. A couple should stick together in this situation, and find new ways of connecting with each other. Having a healthy, supportive and strong relationship is based on mutual understanding and respect for each other. Do not let your relationship wither away due to an infertility problem.


Myth 6: If You Adopt a Child, You Might Get Pregnant

The fact is that an adoption does not lead to pregnancy on its own, because your infertility problem is no way linked to your adopting a child. However adopting a baby may lead to a happy family. Infertility is an internal problem, which needs medical intervention. Adopting a child is a wonderful way to start your own family, and give a child a bright future. If you and your partner want, you can simultaneously seek expert medical help for your infertility problem.

Do not believe in every myth related to infertility, and focus on resolving the issue by consulting your doctor and keeping an open mind. There are many possibilities, modern treatments and other options available for couples. Discuss the various choices with your partner once you consult an expert and take an informed decision to deal with the problem of infertility.