GYNAE-ENDOSCOPY Training Basic Hands on conducted at Gahlaut Health Care Pvt. Ltd. Kanpur from 1st-6th April 2018 by Course-Director Dr. Renu Singh Gahlaut.

“Gaining knowledge is the first step to wisdom.
SHARING it is the first step to HUMANITY.”
To promote the endeavour again at GAHLAUT HEALTH CARE PVT.LTD.,Kanpur “GYNAE-ENDOCOPY Training Basic HANDS ON” was conducted from 1st to 6th April 2018 by Course-Director DR. Renu Singh Gahlaut with Dr. Reena Kaul Mattoo, Dr. Rekha Gupta,Dr.Shweta Agrawal ,Dr.Shruti singh , Dr. Vibha Rai and Dr.Veena Rai shahi.
Thanks to G.H.C.Team for their whole hearted support for the endeavour.